What is a circle?
Circles are designed to be a commitment to doing life with others.
We all have circles of influence around us, whether it be our family, our co-workers, or a group of friends.
While it is valuable to have these in our lives, Circles are meant to be groups that spiritually influence each other.
Below are key elements regarding involvement in Circles groups.
We all have circles of influence around us, whether it be our family, our co-workers, or a group of friends.
While it is valuable to have these in our lives, Circles are meant to be groups that spiritually influence each other.
Below are key elements regarding involvement in Circles groups.
purpose: To live life together
• Pray - Constant communication with God is a must. When we gather, we prioritize recognizing what God is doing among group members and lift up both praises and requests to Him.
• Talk/Listen - Life has many seasons. Some seasons are easy, some are more difficult. In Circles we listen to others, not just with our ears, but also with our hearts. We are there to encourage one another as we talk through life’s experiences, sharing about the good as well as the difficult. We are in this together to support each other.
• Challenge/Grow - Spend time together studying what the Bible teaches. Through God’s Word, challenge one another to live more like Christ. Expect to be challenged and expect to grow spiritually. We are motivated to represent Christ in all areas of influence - personal lives, workplaces, friendships, marriages, parenting, etc. Each member will strive to demonstrate measurable spiritual growth and time spent studying God’s Word.
• Live It Out - When the things listed above are in action, the natural response will be to live it out. We will go and do what we are called to do as followers of Christ. We honor God with our thoughts, our desires, our choices. We engage in building relationships with others. We go to church and serve in the community together. We share Christ through our actions and words.
• Talk/Listen - Life has many seasons. Some seasons are easy, some are more difficult. In Circles we listen to others, not just with our ears, but also with our hearts. We are there to encourage one another as we talk through life’s experiences, sharing about the good as well as the difficult. We are in this together to support each other.
• Challenge/Grow - Spend time together studying what the Bible teaches. Through God’s Word, challenge one another to live more like Christ. Expect to be challenged and expect to grow spiritually. We are motivated to represent Christ in all areas of influence - personal lives, workplaces, friendships, marriages, parenting, etc. Each member will strive to demonstrate measurable spiritual growth and time spent studying God’s Word.
• Live It Out - When the things listed above are in action, the natural response will be to live it out. We will go and do what we are called to do as followers of Christ. We honor God with our thoughts, our desires, our choices. We engage in building relationships with others. We go to church and serve in the community together. We share Christ through our actions and words.
First, pray. Pray for direction and wisdom as you consider joining a Circle group. If you have a spouse, take time to pray with each other. Joining a circle is an important commitment and a decision that should be covered in prayer.
Second, meet others. Say hello to people at church you have not met. Take some time to get to know the very people who sit next to you or those across the room. God works wonders when we engage with others.
Pray that God would give you the courage to connect with new people as you gather for church and church events!
Third, pray again. As you get to know others in the church, begin to pray for them. Pray that God would connect you to individuals or couples to talk with about Circles. God could open a new door in a week or it could take much longer. It will look different for everyone. Trust that God will make a way for you to connect with the right people.
Fourth, invite. Reach out to the individuals/couples you have been praying for and Invite them to meet with you. You could invite them to your home, to dinner, coffee or wherever is comfortable for you. The key here is to invite them into a discussion about forming or joining a Circle together. When you meet It’s important to pray, share ideas and read through the Circles Purpose Statement together. Give them an opportunity to pray, think through Circles and allow them to get back to you at a later time.
Finally, commit. Once you have a few people who have said yes to being in a Circle together you get to iron out the details. Decide when and where you are going to meet. This could be in someone’s home or a public place. You could meet weekly, bi-weekly, mid-week or weekends. It’s important to make Circles a priority in your life rather than scheduling around other things. It is good to be flexible but you ultimately want to have great consistency in meeting together.
Second, meet others. Say hello to people at church you have not met. Take some time to get to know the very people who sit next to you or those across the room. God works wonders when we engage with others.
Pray that God would give you the courage to connect with new people as you gather for church and church events!
Third, pray again. As you get to know others in the church, begin to pray for them. Pray that God would connect you to individuals or couples to talk with about Circles. God could open a new door in a week or it could take much longer. It will look different for everyone. Trust that God will make a way for you to connect with the right people.
Fourth, invite. Reach out to the individuals/couples you have been praying for and Invite them to meet with you. You could invite them to your home, to dinner, coffee or wherever is comfortable for you. The key here is to invite them into a discussion about forming or joining a Circle together. When you meet It’s important to pray, share ideas and read through the Circles Purpose Statement together. Give them an opportunity to pray, think through Circles and allow them to get back to you at a later time.
Finally, commit. Once you have a few people who have said yes to being in a Circle together you get to iron out the details. Decide when and where you are going to meet. This could be in someone’s home or a public place. You could meet weekly, bi-weekly, mid-week or weekends. It’s important to make Circles a priority in your life rather than scheduling around other things. It is good to be flexible but you ultimately want to have great consistency in meeting together.